Our dietary advice: how to choose the right fruit

Following our good advice for buying fresh fruit or picking seasonal fruit will guarantee you jams and jars of fruit in syrup full of flavor!

We have been told it enough: eating fruit is good for your health. Simple rules govern the choice of your products, whether you opt for picking from your pretty fruit basket, or for purchasing from the greengrocer (buy organic or not, it's up to you). The first of these is to choose perfectly ripe fruits: more taste, more vitamins, juicier... You have everything to gain!

But be careful, don't take them too ripe either, because beware of food spoilage. In fact, remember to make your jams and jars of fruit in syrup with your fruit before they spoil, hence the importance of sorting!

Do you want to make recipes using seasonal fruits? So why not check out our seasonal fruit and vegetable calendar! No more waste, with Le Parfait jars and jam makers, nothing goes to waste!

See our sections:
How to make your own jams?
How to make your own preserves?
Fruit recipes
Seasonal fruit and vegetable calendar

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